Exchange Dai (ERC-20) DAI to Cash Sumy (Ukraine) USD

Exchange rate: 1 DAI = 1.002 USD

min.: 9980.03992016 DAI max.: 299401.19760479 DAI


min.: 10000 USD max.: 300000 USD

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Exchange Rules:

1. All transactions undergo an AML check. More details in AML/KYC regulations.

2. New order is active for 60 minutes; after that, the systеm automatically deletes it. The exchange rate is fixed during the working hours of the service for 30 minutes from the moment the new order is created. Details — fixing terms. If you have made the payment, but your order has been deleted, please contact the technical support service via a dialog box on the site or in Telegram.

3. The standard time of payment orders is up to 2 hours; the maximum time of payment is up to 48 hours (during the working hours of the exchanger).

4. The necessary information for cash withdrawal will be sent to the E-mail specified in the order after receipt of payment and order processing.

5. The exchanger uses the following cryptocurrency exchanges as a price oracle:,,,, Orders are hedged by market order.

6. More details about the instructions for exchange can be found here.

7. Requests for any changes to the order (details, contact information, etc.) are carried out exclusively by e-mail, which was specified in the order.

Exchange Dai (ERC-20) DAI to Cash Sumy (Ukraine) USD

Please be careful! All fields must be filled out precisely according to the instructions. Otherwise, the payment may not get through.

Make sure that your personal and contact information is correct. The contact information in the application must be valid and accessible, as any appeals and changes of data on the application are carried out from these contacts.