Further details about the exchange of Ethereum (ETH) for Tether (USDT TRC-20) are as follows
The second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization has risen 10-fold in a year, with the decentralized finance industry booming. Ether’s volatility is less than Bitcoin’s; nevertheless, if there is a significant drop, it is better to fixate on stablecoins than to fix losses and wait for growth. Or you may need to exchange Ether (ETH) to Tether (USDT TRC-20) for comfortable mutual settlements with partners, contractors, and employees. This method of payment is often found in the cryptocurrency community.
Stablecoin differs from the usual cryptocurrencies by a stable rate. Thus, the price of Tether (USDT) is always $1 with deviations by a couple of cents: euros, Chinese yuan, fiat currencies, and precious metals back to other stablecoins. Tether Limited claims to have commercial securities and other financial instruments on its balance sheet in addition to U.S. dollars.
Tether tokens are issued on different blockchains:
- Bitcoin – Omni;
- Ethereum – ERC-20;
- Tron – TRC-20;
- EOS, OMG Network, Solana, HECO Chain, Algorand, Bitcoin Cash, SLP, etc.
The most popular is exchanging ETH to USDT (TRC-20), which you can do on this page. If you are interested in other pairs, go to the site’s main page and see the pairs offered on Crybex. We regularly monitor market requests and add new directions.
How to exchange Ethereum (ETH) to Tether (USDT TRC-20)
Stablecoin on Tether differs from tokens on other blockchains by low fees and fast transactions.
To exchange Ether (ETH) to Tether (USDT TRC-20), follow a few steps:
- Fill in the amount field of one of the coins and check if the conversion is offered correctly;
- Fill in necessary personal information;
- Read and agree with the rules of the service usage;
- Check the accuracy of entered data;
- Click on the button “Exchange.”
Then go to the payment. Scan the automatically generated by the systеm QR-code or copy the address where you want to send the Ether coins.
Attention! Use only Tron blockchain addresses to exchange ETH to USDT (TRC-20). They start with a “T.” If you send Tron tokens to an Ether address, funds will be lost irrevocably!
Exchange terms and conditions of Ether (ETH) to Tether (USDT TRC-20) from Crybex
We offer an exchange of ETH to Tether (TRC-20) at the best rate and without unreasonable commissions. Our staff highly values the confidentiality and privacy of each client. If you have difficulties processing an order or working with the service, please contact our support service.
Crybex has a reputation as a trustworthy crypto exchanger. With us exchanging ETH to USDT (TRC-20) is easy!